Dignity in the Workplace

Dignity in the Workplace

If there is no dignity in the workplace, it can create low morale amongst employees as well as reduced productivity.  Employees may resign as a result which will mean a substantial loss of skills to the business as well as additional costs such as recruitment and training. Currently, the subject of a toxic culture in…

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New Legislation – The Worker Protection Act 2023

The Worker Protection (Amendment to Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 receives Royal Assent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Employees are protected under The Equality Act 2010 against sexual harassment in the workplace and on the 26th of October 2023, The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 received Royal Assent. This new legislation…

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childcare funding and increasing the workforce

Childcare Funding and Increasing the Workforce

The UK government have introduced a new initiative in helping women return to the workplace.  In doing so, the plan is to extend free childcare hours in England for all children aged nine months to five years by September 2025. The data from the Childcare Survey states that the cost of childcare can be as…

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A woman sat a a table reviewing a persons resume

Modern Recruitment Challenges And How To Solve Them

There’s no denying that today’s business environments are particularly complex. Companies are always looking for top tier talent to fill their roles, and more often than not it feels in short supply. But for your company to stand out in a competitive market, you need to be able to attract and secure talented employees who…

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Age Discrimination

Age discrimination is a protected characteristic under the Equalities Act 2010.  There are a number of ways to fall foul of this legislation during the employment relationship. If you have any questions please contact us on 01483 362732 or if you would like further information please refer to our Equal Opportunities Policy…

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Important News regarding changes to employment rights – update to policies

Neonatal Care The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act will allow eligible employed parents whose new-born baby is admitted to neonatal care to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave, in addition to other leave entitlements such as maternity and paternity leave. Protection from Redundancy The Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act…

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wo people working at a desk on their laptops with coffee

Managing Employee Performance

Managing Employee Performance – The What and the Why As your business grows, you will find yourself needing some help managing your team. This is an exciting time, but it also means you need to make some tough decisions. For example, do you hire an internal HR manager for your business? Or do you outsource…

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Ethnicity Pay Reporting – New Guidance for Employers

How does your organisation manage ethnicity pay differences? Is this something that your organisation thinks about? Do you feel that the salaries you offer to staff are fair to all ethnic groups? On 17th April 2023 the Government published guidance for employers on how to measure, report on and address any ethnicity pay differences within…

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Breathe company logo

New function on Breathe – Onboarding Tasks

What’s new in Breathe? Update on a new function– Onboarding Tasks We are pleased to announce that Breathe have been working on a new tool to help you streamline processes for new starters. This simple new feature gives you the ability to create custom onboarding tasks and assign them to people around your organisation. This…

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Unfair Dismissal

Heat of the Moment Decisions – Potential Unfair Dismissal As employer’s we have all experienced employees who have threatened to leave or have decided after an incident or during a meeting, that they have “had enough” and said I am leaving, or just leave for the day. As an employer it is not always clear…

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Changes to Flexible Working Legislation

Businesses should begin to think about the impact of how new legislation will affect ways of working. Currently new employees must wait 26 weeks, after their start date, before they are able to make a flexible working request and they can only make 1 request a year. Forthcoming legislation will allow employees to make requests…

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Appeal option for Dismissals

Why employers should have an Appeal as an option in the event of a Dismissal In the event of an employment tribunal claim, the tribunal is looking for fairness and reasonableness during the process. We recommend that an Appeal is always offered as this enables the employee to challenge something they may see as unfair…

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