Right to Work – your responsibility as a business owner

Right to Work check passport

Large employers have already changed their processes. Being a small employer is no excuse, in 2023 the Government enforcement visits increased by 68%.

Routes to working in the UK (July 24 CIPD)

  • UK or Irish National
  • Frontier Worker Permits
  • Visa(s)
  • EU Settlement Scheme
  • EEA Citizens with indefinite leave to remain/enter

What process should you follow?

  • Process for checking if an individual has the legal right to work in the UK
  • Essential check for all workers, regardless of nationality
  • Doing so properly provides a statutory excuse
  • Must be done before employment begins
  • For UK and Irish Nationals, there are digital or manual checks
  • Checks for all other nationals are either manual or via the online Home Office checking service
  • Follow up checks are only needed if the right to work is time limited

What are suitable documents (July 2024) – for full details of the correct documents you need to check please click on the following link Right to work checklist – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

We do recommend that you always check current legislation. Guildford HR operate as part-time HR Managers and support employers with these critical processes.  If you need HR support, contact us today on 01483 362732 or hello@guildford-hr.co.uk for a free of charge discovery call.